Friday, February 27, 2015

Good Morning, how do you like your chili?

I start my day out before 5 am each morning. I want at least an hour before the kids wake up to have some me time. I have a morning ritual that feels nice. I start some warm water and add lemon for a wonderful warm-me-up drink. I update myself on my facebook and email and then I do some yoga.

I've fallen into a yoga routine since May. I feel like I needed something slower past to gently warm my body in the morning. I used to try to do some high energy stuff in the morning, but I think after you turn 40, that isn't very excited. I just had no motivation to slip the DVD in.

I started with My Yoga Online. They've recently merged with GaiamTv. It's great to have my favorite instructors each morning for only $10. Some days I feel like Kundalini yoga; other mornings yin yoga. Some of my favorite instructors are Zain Saraswati Jamal, David Magone, Lindsay Lewis, Tommy Rosen, Melina Meza, Gurmukh, and Bernie Clark.

For dinner last night I made Protective Diet (PD) Veggie Chili. I've made it before and it was delicious. I threw the three types of beans that I had in the house, which are different than the ones listed on her recipe. It's a flexible recipe that will work with what type of beans you have on hand.The problem we have in my family is that my husband likes a thick chili (like stew) and I like a thin watery chili (like soup). So I made my chili thicker for my husband this time, which means I didn't like it as well. How do you like your chili?

Check out the chili recipe at Protective Diet Here:

Until next time. .

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